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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Sports: NFL Week Seven Wrap-Up 

Looks like all of the baseball-watching came back to bite me this past week: 5-5 SU, 3-6-1 ATS. That lowers me to 43-27 SU, 36-32-2 ATS, for the season.

NFL Thought for the week:

- The Cowboys blow. Seriously, they're horrible right now. The most effective runner is Richie Anderson, who is as far from a workhorse back as you'll find. Vinny has been better than most will give him credit for, but when opponents send the house on third down -- because an inept running game has left you in a hole -- it's hard to consistently pick up first downs. On defense, they D-Line just can't get enough pressure to offset a secondary that might be the worst unit in Big D since Kevin "Pass Interference" Smith singlehandedly lost at least two games in 1997's 6-10 effort. Terrance Newman is having the mother of all sophomore slumps, and the Tuna is having to resort to scrap-heap pickups (i.e., Tyrone Williams) to plug in all the holes left from injuries. Not having Darren Woodsen is killing them as well.

It's not unusual for NFL teams to start slow and rebound at midseason, but this Cowboys team is on the respirator right now. Maybe Jerry Jones should bring in Phil Garner for a pep talk. That or a faith healer, to cure the walking infirmary that is their roster. Things are bleak right now, Dallas fans. But take solace, because even if there's no playoff berth at the end of that long tunnel, the worst that can happen is we get two high draft picks for 2005. Derrick Johnson sure would look good in silver and blue.


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