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Monday, December 11, 2006

MLB: More Andy Pettitte Fallout 

I normally don't think too highly of the Houston Chronicle's Astros coverage, so to be fair I feel compelled to praise John Lopez's assessment of exactly what went wrong between the club and former Astro Andy Pettitte, because Lopez sums it up perfectly.

I don't care that AP left Houston for the greener pastures of New York City. I do care that his camp has taken to blaming Houston management for being cheap and disloyal and insulting. That's total crap, and I hope Astros fans have the good sense to look rationally at the situation before placing all of the blame on Tim Purpura or Drayton McLane.

AP was perhaps the best pitcher in baseball for three months at the tail end of 2005. He was broken-down, and/or very, very ordinary for the majority of his other 2.5 years in Houston. Pettitte could have played a valuable role in Houston's '07 rotation, but now he won't. I'm neither losing sleep nor shedding tears about the situation, but even if I were then I wouldn't direct my ire toward the Astros' front office. Kudos to Lopez for offering a voice of reason, and illustrating why no other Astros fans should either.


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