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Monday, November 27, 2006

MLB: Move Over, Cecil Fielder... 

It's never been a better time to be a major league free agent.

Continuing the string of absurd contract offers (Juan Pierre at $9M per? Gary Matthews, Jr, for $11M per?), the Astros signed rotund slugger Carlos Lee to a six-year, $100M deal on Friday (that's $417K per pound, by the way).

It's easy to get bogged down in thinking about how much Lee might improve an anemic Astros offense, or how his mammoth contract might affect future roster improvements. But my friend Jeremy asks the question we're all really wondering:
Given that it's Carlos Lee, did anyone else picture Lee quantifying his new contract like the Wendy's commercial? "That's 50,000,000 Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers and 50,000,000 Frosty's. Mmmmm . . ."
Kinda makes me hungry.


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