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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Movies: It's Here!!! 

The Saga concludes... in seven hours.

I'm sure it's the same across the country, but at the theater three blocks from my apartment, SEVEN 12:01 a.m. screenings of Star Wars: Episode II -- Revenge of the Sith have sold out.

I have my ticket purchased for 7 p.m. tomorrow evening. It looks like I'll be around the 100,000th person to see it... less than 24 hours after its release. My buddy Trey is so geeked up over the release that he couldn't wait for the Thursday night group outing. He's attending a midnight showing as well. In all there are 21 sold-out midnight showings here in Austin. George Lucas is a genius -- an evil genius, but one nonetheless.

"Bold" prediction: Episode III takes in more money before dawn than every other top ten highest-grossing picture earns in the entire weekend.


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