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Thursday, April 07, 2005

Sports: Morning Sports Shorts 4/7 

Masters wash-out: Rain has delayed the opening round in Augusta. I wanted to pen a Masters preview for today, but then I thought, what could I possibly say that someone else hasn't said already? Then I thought I might make a prediction, but predictions in golf are pointless. Say I pick Tiger? You'd think, "wow, really going out on a limb." Same with Lefty, Ernie Els or Vijay Singh. But if I went outside that group and picked, for instance, Padraig Harrington, you'd think I was crazy, because he's not going to outlast the big four. Here's my only real prediction: If Jack Nicklaus makes the cut, everyone in the field will say that it's the best moment of the weekend.

Baseball millionaires: Average baseball salary: $2.6M. Median baseball salary: $850K. Both are up from last season. Says Marquis Grissom: "That means we're going in the right direction. When [salaries] go up, it's always good." Is it? As long as attendence and revenue figures increase as well, I guess. But for all the union solidarity and such, the only people really benefitting from salary escalation are the few at the top. Your average fifth starter, long reliever or utility infielder isn't collecting the lottery-like paychecks, yet as often than not those are the guys that ultimately decide a team's success. Baseball is a funny game.

NHL GMs mull changes: The NHL hasn't folded yet? Damn. In a classic example of placing the cart way in front of the horse, GMs plan to meet and discuss how to jazz up hockey. Isn't this like the Libertarian Party meeting to discuss decorative ideas for the West Wing?

Vick rot: Life imitates football. Michael Vick shuns his protection on the field, and if allegations of him spreading genital herpes to an Atlanta woman are true, then he also shuns protection off of the field. On the bright side, Vick could be for Valtrax what Rafael Palmerio is to Viagra.


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