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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Astros: One Week Down... 

During the course of a baseball season you're going to see a lot of highs and lows. Few things are as annoying as the baseball fan that leans to one extreme or another before at least August.

So I'm not going to let yesterday's meltdown against the Mets bother me, just as I didn't celebrate too much after the weekend sweep of Cinci. Was it a game that Houston could have (should have?) won? Yes, it was. But we'll get that back at some point.

After one week the Stros sit atop the NL Central with a 4-2 record. Though four percent of the season schedule represents much too small a sample to make any real inferences, 4-2 is undoubtedly better that 2-4. There's plenty to be positive about right now, save for the schedule quirk that has the teams taking a day off today during the middle of the series.

For now I'm content. Let's see what happens in week two.


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