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Friday, January 07, 2005

Television: Carlson to MSNBC? 

With Tucker Carlson out at CNN, it looks like MSNBC could look to out-Fox Fox.

Carlson has been talking with MSNBC about a prime-time opening replacing Deborah Norville.

“I would host any kind of show for (MSNBC chief executive) Rick Kaplan,” said Carlson, whose Friday night PBS show “Tucker Carlson: Unfiltered” resumes this week.

An MSNBC spokesman had no comment on CNN’s decision.

“We think Tucker is a great journalist and we’re exploring our options for a new 9 p.m. show,” said MSNBC’s Jeremy Gaines.
Carlson back-to-back with Joe Scarborough would be the best two hour block of cable news programming. What would the libs say when MSNBC suddenly has a better conservative lineup than Fox? Madness, I tell you!

The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy rolls on...


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