b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Christmas: The Most Wonderful Time of Year 

So I had a long post typed up about the holidays, and how excited I always get on December 1, when the holidays officially start. Then I deleted it. I often do that with things that I write, but decide that I don't like.

Anyway, in short, I love the holidays. I love Christmas music and Christmas movies, spending time with my friends and family, the candlelight service on Christmas Eve, and when people's faces light up at the sight of a perfect gift. Tonight I'll go home and lie on the couch with my headphones on, listening to carols and holiday songs on my laptop. Maybe I'll even pop in a DVD -- Christmas Vacation, perhaps.

It's Christmastime, folks. Enjoy it.


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