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Monday, October 11, 2004

Blog: Playing catch-up 

I'm tired, I'm cranky, and I'm so far behind at work that thinking about it makes me more tired and cranky. So hopefully I can get back to blogging this afternoon, but I would ask that all five of you out there bear with me at least through today.

A few brief thoughts to cover the past four days:

- Texas/OU weekend, win or lose, leaves you physically, mentally and emotionally drained. It's bad when you win, worse when you lose, and completely debilitating when you lose five times in a row.

- Didn't see the debate; Hard to think about the election right now.

- If the Astros lose tonight, its going to depress me ten times more then the Horns' loss did on Saturday.

- Friday Night Lights was almost as good as I had hoped it would be. I'll have a review at some point this week.

- I really need a new job: Writing, PR, Marketing... something.


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