b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Random: 1000! 

Today marked a milestone, of sorts, for me. I made my 1000th post at Hornfans.Com. It's not a significant plateau, considering that some site members have rung up totals approaching 20,000, but since I joined the site in 1999, it's about time.

Honestly, I'm sure that I reached 1000 long ago. Between a site crash in 99 that wiped out all user info, and two other instances where I changned screen names, I probably had at least a few hundred posts that aren't included in my current total. This is the official count, though, so we'll just go with it.

Too bad Longhorn Fan Zone isn't still around. I'd be approaching 11-12,000 posts by now.


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