b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Friday, August 20, 2004

Random: Sleep -- Good; Going Out -- Bad 

My future sister-in-law turned the big 2-1 last night, and since the night life in Temple, Texas, ain't what you call stellar, she came down to Austin with my brother and some of their friends. I acted as their guide, leading them to about 6-7 different bars downtown.

Normally I would have taken today off, but because I'm a little behind at work, I needed to come in. Turns out that when I finally got home around 3:30, I left my cell phone (I use the alarm feature on it in lieu of an alarm clock) in the living room. I woke up a little after 10, and now I get to work late tonight, skip lunch, nd come in early on Monday.

So... I probably won't get to do much blogging today.


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