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Friday, August 27, 2004

Olympics: Complete and Utter Crap 

The FIG, gymnastics' ruling body, has asked Paul Hamm to give up his Gold medal.

In a dispute over scores that has turned into a political squabble, the head of the International Gymnastics Federation suggested in a letter to Hamm that giving the all-around gold medal to South Korea's Yang Tae-young "would be recognized as the ultimate demonstration of fair play by the whole world."

FIG president Bruno Grandi tried to send the letter Thursday night to Hamm through the USOC, but the USOC refused to deliver it.

In a letter back to Grandi, USOC secretary general Jim Scherr called the request "a blatant and inappropriate attempt on the part of (FIG) to once again shift responsibility for its own mistakes and instead pressure Mr. Hamm into resolving what has become an embarrassing situation for your federation."
I'd like to take this opportunity to advise Mr. Hamm on the most suitable response.

Dear FIG-

Kiss my ass.

Paul Hamm
If that's too much trouble, then just take a picture of yourself, wearing the gold, while giving FIG the finger. Fax it on over and then go celebrate.


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