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Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Longhorns: Silencing the Vince Young Detractors 

Does the University of Texas have another QB controversy brewing in 2004? Mack Brown has said that Vince Young is his guy, but plenty of fans still see Chance Mock as the better pure QB.

Count me among the fans that enjoy watching VY's electrifying athleticism, but who still question his passing ability. This analysis, from Burnt Orange Fan Zone's jcdenton, seems to put VY's talent in a better light.

And the bottom line is, in terms of leading the offense to touchdowns Vince has been the most effective QB we have had in the Mack era by an enormous margin, and is already one of the most effective quarterbacks--as a freshman--that Texas has had in the modern era.

Two things still worry me about Young:

1) Has Texas' O-Line improved their blitz protection? VY can evade guys in the backfield, but if the Hors face another Washington State-like blitzkrieg, he won't get away the whole game. Consistent defensive pressure means quick decisions, which leads me to the other thing...

2) Has his release gotten faster? I know that the preview stories all talk about VY working on his throwing style all Summer. But his release still looked slow to me on Sunday night. A Hideo Nmomo wind-up won't cut it when the pocket breaks down.


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