b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Monday, August 30, 2004

Astros: Rumors of Death Greatly Exaggerated? 

Whaddayaknow? The Stros show a pulse and take three in a row from the Cubs (who will forever be known on this site as "Those Bastards"). And they don't just win, they win big.

Twice the Astros posted double-digit run totals, and on consecutive days they roughed up Kerry Wood, Carlos Zambrano and Matt Clement. Sure, Those Bastards tried to take out Carlos Beltran and Lance Berkman with "accidental" beanballs in yesterday's finale, but Houston responded with a five-run 8th to seal the deal.

I'd like to think that after Those Bastards won on Thursday, Phil Garner gathered his club in the locker rook Friday morning, and gave a pep talk that went something like this:

The local press seems to think we'd save everyone a lot of time and trouble if we just went out and shot ourselves. Me, I'm for wasting sports writers' time. So, I'd like to hang around and see if we can give 'em all a nice big shitburger to eat.
Four games back. Thirty-two to play. Fifteen in a row between Pittsburgh and Cincinnatti.

Anyone ready to count this team out yet?


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