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Sunday, July 25, 2004

Ricky Williams Retires??? 

Ricky Williams, 27, informed the Miami Dolphins that he plans to retire, one week before training camp begins for the 2004 season.

If true, it's an appropriate odd end to an event-filled career for the former University of Texas tailback.

"I just don't want to be in this business anymore," said Williams to the paper. "I was never strong enough to not play football, but I'm strong enough now. I've considered everything about this. Everyone has thrown every possible scenario at me about why I shouldn't do this, but they're in denial. I'm happy with my decision."

Williams was in Hawaii when he spoke to the paper.

"I'm finally free," Williams said in a phone interview. "I can't remember ever being this happy."

And I'm sure the NFL and fans will love this one:

Williams, who was busted by the NFL twice for marijuana use since 2002, told the newspaper he was tired of trying to skirt NFL regulations against smoking pot, and said he has used chemicals that enabled him to avoid detection in subsequent tests.

The issue did not play a prominent role in his decision, he added, but was just one example that he was no longer willing to meet the obligations required of professional athletes and celebrities in America.
Thanks to the New York Post for that tidbit.

I guess it wouldn't be Ricky if he didn't do things a little differently, but this really puts the Dolphins in a bind.  But I guess if your heart isn't in it, that could have caused even more damage to the team.


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