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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

National Kissing Day? 

I found this link at Instapundit (I swear, I have no idea how Reynolds finds some of the stuff he finds).

Amber at Class Maledictorian asks fellow bloggers to help her start National Kissing Day in the U.S. (they already have it in the U.K.).

How you can participate:
-Post on your blog or tell friends via email that next Tuesday is International Kissing Day. Write a kissing-themed post or share a sweet kissing story.
-Find someone to kiss. You have a whole week, so get cracking!
-Kiss 'em! Kiss now, kiss all week, but definitely kiss next Tuesday.
I can't recall any "sweet kissing story" off the top of my head. At the wedding reception I attended this past weekend, I do recall kissing some girl's neck while we danced. Then I learned that she was married.

Anyway, those of you, who are so inclined, lend Amber a hand. Kiss away!


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