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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Kerry Courts Minorities 

Yesterday I touched on a column that advised ways President Bush could increase support within the Black community. Today's WaPo includes an article that shows Kerry's popularity level among minorities might not rank much higher.

Kerry has been criticized for not doing more to develop a relationship in the black and Hispanic communities, and he noted that many in both communities may be cynical about promises from politicians
The article goes on to mention some of the policies that Kerry intends to target -- e.g., college tuition incentives, greater access to health insurance -- should he reach the White House.

Here's what I want to know: why should minorities cling to a New England blue blood, who hails from one of the whitest parts of the country? At least President Bush has a record of working with Hispanics in Texas. And his plans involving vouchers and faith-based initiatives show a willingness to reach out to minorities that I have not seen from Kerry.

Kerry's solution, like any other Democrat, is to continue throwing money at problems and hoping that they improve. And to pay for all of this, he wants to roll back President Bush's tax cuts, which have led to more jobs and a stabilizing economy.

I realize that the GOP has a lot of work ahead if they truly want to reach out to minorities (as I believe the party does). But no one is going to convince me that John Kerry is ever going to out-do President Bush in this area.


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