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Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Freedom of Speech/Moving Right 

Great read via Instapundit: High School student Bryan Henderson details his struggle for free speech at school.

On a unrelated note, Glenn Reynolds also includes a quick review of The Right Nation: Conservative Power in America , a book that he's currently reading.

I'm somewhat skeptical of their thesis, which is that America is moving almost inexorably rightward. There's lots of interesting stuff, though, and I suspect that they're right that Democrats are desperately afraid that this Presidential election might be their last chance to avoid a long term Republican ascendance.
While I think that would be a mostly good thing for our country, I just don't see that as the case. Looks like I'll be headed to the bookstore upon my return from Omaha this weekend. If any readers have read it, I'd like to hear your thoughts.


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