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Thursday, June 24, 2004

A Few Thoughts.. 

...before I turn in for the night. In a little less than seven hours I'll board a flight for Omaha, Neb., for two of my best friends' wedding. Hopefully I can make it to the CWS while I'm there. Anyway, I'm out on blogging this weekend, but hopefully Matt can pick up the slack with the Lone Star Series up in Arlington.

- A month or so ago, I mentioned the correlation between my missing Astros games to attend Bible Study and Houston winning those games. Well I think my missing Astros games to play softball has a negative correlation. But TD Sanchez wins again!

- Today's 7-6 Texas win over Georgia was quite possibly the best -- and most nerve-wracking -- baseball game I've ever seen (that my team won, anyway).

- Despite the Houston loss tonight, I think that the Houston-Texas MLB series this weekend should be a good one. I haven't looked at the matchups, so no prediction, except to say that it will probably wind up 2-1 either way.

- Carlos Beltran would look great in Brick and Sand.

- I hate flying.


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