Monday, June 21, 2004
Democrats Hate Bush More then Bin Laden
From James Lileks (link via Instapundit):
For the last few weeks I’ve had this gnawing belief that bin Laden got lucky by attacking during Bush’s term. Conventional wisdom says the opposite, because Bush fought back. But he’s the enemy now. I ask my Democrat friends what they’d rather see happen – Bush reelected and bin Laden caught, or Bush defeated and bin Laden still in the wind. They’re all honest: they’d rather see Bush defeated. (They’re quick to insist that they’d want Kerry to get bin Laden ASAP. Although the details are sketchy.) Of course this doesn't mean they're unpatriotic, etc., obligatory disclaimers, et cetera. But let's be honest. People are coming up with websites that demonstrate ingenious technology for spraying anti-Bush slogans on the sidewalks; it would be nice if they sprayed "DEFEAT TERRORISM" or "STOP AL QAEDA" now and then. Wouldn't it?I'd say that Lilek's makes a reaching generalization, but I don't think that's necessarily the case. A friend of mine had his car vandalized twice, simply for having a Bush sticker. On one occasion, someone ripped half of it off. The other time, an "International Terrorist" sticker was placed just below the B/C'04 sticker. Most of those on the left really have a burning hatred of President Bush. And why is that? He wasn't hated in Texas like that, even by the hard-core lefties. I get the feeling that any Republican these days is going to get the same treatment from the loony Left.