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Thursday, May 20, 2004

We're All in This 

Letters from soldiers in Iraq aren't hard to find in the Blogosphere. But blogger/Reservist Austin Bay writes a pre-emptive message as he prepares to ship out to the mid-East.

Bay contends that all Americans are involved in this war, whether they realize it or not. (Link via Instapundit)

America's wealth makes it easy to create the perception of distance, that "here" and "over there" aren't intimately linked. American successes in the War on Terror have created, for a vocal segment of the America body politic, the illusion that 9-11 didn't change things too darn much. The inevitable difficulties of war ... lead another vocal faction into the delusion that America is somehow responsible for fomenting the conflict.

That clan touts figment utopias and fantasy options that ignore the difficult facts. This war cannot be willed away, it cannot be won by slick talk or poignant U.N. resolutions. The war is not America's fault. ... We are now fighting a worldwide, "simultaneous war" in at least two dozen places around the planet, with the fight in Iraq key to America's long-term strategy.

Removing Saddam began the reconfiguration of the Middle East -- a dangerous, expensive process, but one that will lay the foundation for true states ... where terrorists are prosecuted, not promoted.

Go read the whole thing.


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