b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Monday, May 24, 2004


Tonight Houston tries to salvage at least one game from the weekend debacle with Cincinnatti. I don't know how it's possible to lose three games in a row to the Reds, especially with Andy Pettitte, Roger Clemens and Wade Miller pitching, but they found a way.

Tim Redding gets the call, which to me, seems like sending in the Coast Guard to take over some piss-ant country, because the Army, Navy and Marines couldn't get the job done.

ADDED... I just realized that I am to blame for Houston's recent slide. I had anentry last week that compared pitching among the NL Central's perceived "Big Three." My analysis failed to look at Cincinnatti. This no doubt angered the Baseball Gods, who release their wrath (i.e. the Reds') on Houston's pitching staff over the weekend.

I will be sacrificing a chicken today to appease the BBGs (or maybe just eating Popeye's). Look for Tim Redding to pitch lights-out tonight.


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