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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Spidey-Gate Revisited/Separating the Men from the Boys 

Mark Cuban extolls the marketing brilliance of MLB's Spiderman 2 promo fiasco.

Whether or not the ads actually appeared on the bases was irrelevant. In fact, I never thought they would ever appear on the bases. What was the point? If they put the ads on the bases, they would lose the opportunity to go through all this again. If they pull the ads, citing fan rebellion, they create the opportunity to play this game at least 1 more time.

Brilliant. Congrats again to MLB and Sony. Why didn’t I think of putting the Spiderman ads on the corner of the backboards in the playoffs…

Cuban also has an answer for the NBA's problem with high schoolers jumping directly to the pros: "Stop guaranteeing rookie contracts."


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