b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Thursday, May 27, 2004

The Secret is Out 


After a tough 15-6 loss last night, my softball team, TD Sanchez, gathered around to kick back a few pops and shoot the bull. Here's part of the conversation.

Me: So, that was a nice play you made over at third back in the 4th inning.
Buddy: Man, can you believe Adrianna got killed?
Me: Huh?
Buddy: Yeah, that was a great episode. Too bad they whacked the hot chick.
Me: What the hell, man? I haven't seen it yet.
Buddy: Hey, it's Wednesday night already.
Yep, the secret of the Sopranos whacking lasted an entire three days. I avoided discussion threads, office chatter and Peter King's Monday Morning Quarterback, only to get caught off guard by the mother of all non-sequitors.

It was Wednesday already. Thanks a lot.


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