b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Pardon Me While I Throw Up 

Al Gore says that John Kerry "is not sexy enough to be president."

Speaking to reporters in Washington, Gore said, "There are only three things that get you elected president—sex, sex, and sex—and John Kerry, I believe, lacks all three."

Attempting to place his remarks in an historical context, the former Democratic standard-bearer continued: "To be successful in a run for the White House, you need to have raw, almost animalistic sexual power. JFK had it. I have it. I'm not sure that John Kerry has it."

Gore has animalistic sexual power? Good thing this is all just a joke. I'm pretty sure that having sex with Al Gore would make one guilty of necrophilia.

Getting back to the "article," I love the alleged Kerry retort:

"My friends, let me say this: I'm too sexy for my shirt," Mr. Kerry said, before enumerating a long list of other things for which he was too sexy, including his car, his cat, his hat, Milan, New York and Japan.


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