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Thursday, May 13, 2004

The Nick Berg Video 

I had a brief entry on Berg yesterday, but I have avoided commenting on the actual video thus far, and for several reasons.

First, I have not watched the video. I saw some of the stills, but that's it. I'm squeamish. I don't like watching those TLC or Discover shows where they're doing surgery, and the sight of excessive real blood makes my stomach churn. The still of a terrorist holding Berg's head was ghastly enough.

Second, yes, the murder makes me squeamish. But it also infuriates me, and I don't want to spend the next few days posting nothing but "turn the mid-East into a parking lot" entries.

After reading this e-mail on Andrew Sullivan's site, though, I might have to force myself to watch it.

The entry doesn't have a specific link, so I'll post it all here:

"I just saw the Nick Berg video in its entirety. It is a case study in evil personified. These guys are cowards. They are creatures. After seeing this video I was initially shocked, scared and deeply disturbed. 30 minutes later though I was very, very angry. My view of Islamic terrorism is now set in concrete. These Islamists must be defeated. We need to take off the gloves. Every American should see this video to see the true nature of these Islamic terrorists. If evil ever infected anybody, its those guys murdering Nick Berg and posting it for everyone to see. I really feel extremely bad for Nick's family. I wish I could give each one of them a big hug and say "I love you" to them. I wish I could help them through this horror."

Cowards -- every one of them.

ADDED: Glenn Reynolds has an extensive collection of opinions over at InstaPundit.


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