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Thursday, May 13, 2004

The Montreal Spidermen? 

It appears that the Montreal-by-way-of-Puerto Rico Expos might have a name change in store -- The Spidermen. Since they're from Canada, though, maybe it should be the Spidermans (e.g., the NHL's Toronto Maple Leafs).

Now that Major League Baseball has decided against placing Spiderman logos on the bases, the commissioner’s office is looking for other innovative ways to incorporate advertising into the game. After huddling together over the weekend, Selig and chief operating officer Bob Dupuy have come up with a bold new idea: Order the Montreal Expos to play the rest of the season in Spiderman suits.

Most players are unhappy about the change. Shortstop Jose Vidro worries that the suit makes him "look like a fag." Pitcher Brad May, however, doesn't share that sentiment:

“When I do an autograph session in my Spidey suit, I always get a huge crowd and everyone loves me. When I do one in my Expos uniform, people mostly just spit on me and try to stab me with their pens.”

Holy marketing mishap, Batman! Good thing that the article is just one of the many humorous piece of Satire at The Brushback.Com.

Truthfully, if Bud Selig tried a stunt like that, would it surprise anyone? Probably not. Thanks to the guys at OWA for pointing out the site.


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