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Friday, May 14, 2004

Kerry: What Kind of President Would He Be? 

Glenn Reynolds' asks -- and attempts to answer -- that question in his latest MSNBC column.

I think it's fair to say that if Kerry wins, he'll win based on anti-Bush sentiment among Democrats and swing voters. But although the anybody-but-Bush vote might be good enough to get him into office, once he's elected it will evaporate: the dump-Bush voters will have gotten what they wanted, and they won't have any special reason to support any particular policy of Kerry's -- or even Kerry himself.

It is a scenario worth evaluating. Should Kerry win (and I still don't expect it), he'll face a Republican House with a clear majority, and at this point, the Senate will likely end up 51-49 either way (or split). Neither of those will favor a Democratic administration at all, much less one that lacks a clear vision or direction.

Even the most adament of Kerry supporters would have to admit that the campaign has focused more on why Bush shouldn't be re-elected, than it has on why Kerry should be elected. Granted there is time to fix that, but even with Bush's recent troubles, the Kerry campaign has not managed to make significant progress in the polls.


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