b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Here's an Idea 

I found this via the Carnival of the Vanities, as seen linked on InstaPundit.

Interested-Participant issues an International Football Challenge to those Aussies that dis on the NFL.

I propose that the champion teams from both sports match up for a two game series, one with Australian rules, one with American rules. Final total scores from both games would be used to determine the winner. I'm fairly convinced that the contests would show the strength, intelligence, artistry and finesse of the American game and players are superior.

After that, maybe we can send our boys across the pond to take care of those sissy Euro soccer clowns.

I like what I'm seeing on I-P, by the way. Check it out.

ADDED: One other entry from I-P caught my eye. He mentions a 13-pound baby, born in Mexico, and says, "I imagine that giving birth to a 13+ pound baby has got to be painful."

I weighed almost 11 pounds and my mom has always said that I was the easiest of her four deliveries.


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