b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Friday, May 14, 2004


My buddy Yogi used to tell me that he was going to make me a shirt that said "F*** the 86 Mets." I guess when I we became friends, the Mets were still a sore spot with me.

That's not so much the case anymore, but I still like seeing Houston beat New York. And after dropping this latest series to Florida, the Astros need to take at least two of three from the Mets this weekend at Minute Maid Park.

Fortunately, when you trot out Roy Oswalt, Andy Pettitte and Roger Clemens, a series win looks promising. So screw just winning, BRING OUT THE BROOMS!

On a sad note, this is likely the last time we'll get to see John Franco visit Houston as Major League ballplayer. It's probably the last time we'll see the 93-year-old visit Houston alive, period, though with his 6.59 ERA, I'm not sure he's not dead already. As much as I've detested Franco over the years, it's hard to deny what a great player he's been. He'll finish his career with 420+ Saves and an ERA below 3.00. Those numbers are similar to Rollie Fingers, and only 40 saves behind Lee Smith. I'm not sure if it lands Franco in Cooperstown, but that's a helluva career.

Quick note: Stain is taking a brief sabbatical from the OWA preview, but Waldo pulls a Billy Wagner and fills in nicely.

Speaking of Piazza... For Sunday's game, I predict that the much-balleyhooed faceoff between Piazza and Roger Clemens will consist of seven inside pitches, five timeout calls while in the batter's box, three nasty glares, two really nasty glares, and o­ne "nanny-nanny-boo-boo". The media should accept no less.

Good stuff. Check it out.

One other thing I'm looking forward to with this series: The Baseball Crank is a Mets fan (from what I gather), so he'll probably have comments about the series throughout the weekend.


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