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Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Astros-Marlins 5/11 

I didn't get to see last night's game, but I caught the post-game recap and Milo sounded as happy as an old man can sound (excluding that first hit of Viagra).

Roger Clemens (7IP, 3 H, ER, 11K) proved again that he's not of this world. From the Houston Chronicle's game story:

Astros manager Jimy Williams is normally not one to express his emotions in public, but even he's to the point where he can't help but show delight at the incredible start Roger Clemens has put together.
"Do you know how lucky you are to be seeing what you're seeing out here?" Williams said. "You have to cherish these moments and see what's happening. It's very special, and it's happening in Houston."


Wade Miller faces Dontrell Willis, last season's rookie sensation, in tonight's game.


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