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Tuesday, May 25, 2004


How depressing was the Cinci sweep this weekend?

I didn't laugh a single time at Stain's OWA preview, that's how depressing it was. Not a single time. Not even at this nugget of comedic excellence:

Wouldn’t it be funny when Sammy Sosa comes off the DL, and goes up to bat o­n the road, if the whole stadium erupted into fake sneezes? I can see it starting with o­ne little dainty lady’s sneeze, and then a couple of smartass guy’s sneezes, building quickly to a crescendo of fake honks and snorts from half the stadium. That would fucking rock.

That would be funny, but I still can't laugh. Remember in Major League 2 (Yes, I realize that most of us have spent years trying to forget that garbage)?

After Chicago's Jack Parkman homers to put the White Sox on top of Cleveland, a nurse hears a shriek from sidelined Indians manager Lou Brown's hospital room. She sticks her head in and asks if he's okay, and he responds, "this is tragic stuff."

Well that Cinci series was tragic stuff. And speaking of tragic stuff, ESPN's countdown of America's Ten Most Tortured Sports Cities resets the biggest stomach punch in Astros history: Game Six in the 1986 NLCS (Walt Weiss' magic glove in 99 really belongs on that list, too). If you haven't had a root canal today, and really need a pin fix, then check it out.

Anyway, Carlos Zambrano faces off against Roy Oswalt tonight; Greg Maddux and Andy Pettitte pitch tomorrow night. I'll be happy with a split.


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