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Wednesday, May 26, 2004

The ACLU Hates Christianity 

But we all knew that.

Eugene Volokh looks at the ACLU's latest plan: attempting to force Los Angeles County to remove a small cross from its County Seal.

Once again we see anti-Christian sentiment rear its head (wearing an ACLU hat, of course), under the absurd guise of "separation of church and state."

As Volokh points out, though, the depiction of a cross in the seal is more about history than faith:

Religion is a fundamental part of California history, as it is part of the history of the country as a whole. There should be no constitutional obligation to extirpate all historical religious references from American public life. Even if the Court is right that government endorsement of religion is unconstitutional, courts must distinguish references that will be seen as endorsing religions from references that simply recognize religion's role in American history — and the seal seems to me to be well on the side of history, not endorsement.
This is a distressing situation. The secularists won't stop until religious faith is dead, and I fear that with each passing day, America is allowing that to become more of a reality.


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