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Monday, April 12, 2004

Those Wacky Canadians 

Canada is no place to speak freely. For that matter, neither is most of Europe. It appears that a person could now, in our neighbor to the north, commit a crime just by making a public statement opposing homosexuality.

That's if Bill C-250 passes. It would add "sexual orientation" to the Canadian hate propaganda law, thus making public criticism of homosexuality a crime. It is sometimes called the "Bible as Hate Literature" bill, or simply "the chill bill." It could ban publicly expressed opposition to gay marriage or any other political goal of gay groups. The bill has a loophole for religious opposition to homosexuality, but few scholars think it will offer protection, given the strength of the gay lobby and the trend toward censorship in Canada.

I'm speechless (no pun intended). How can you criminalize speech? What a bunch of homos.


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