b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Friday, April 23, 2004

Those Drunken Tales 

There is this buddy of mine from high school that got mixed into some bad stuff and used his brother's name, got a credit card, and ran up an insane bill. Well, as you can imagine, this didn't make the brother too happy. Off the Christmas card list.

Well, we haven't seen our buddy in years, because he did some things that weren't too cool. While at a wedding a couple of weeks ago, the brother calls and leaves a voicemail that went something like this (remember I was drunk at the time and this is the best to my recollection):

Hey you piece of shit....some of your old cohorts are here and they are looking for you...I don't want to see you, but they do, so give me a call you piece of shit...

You get the idea.

Well, my buddy Brett asked the brother the next day if the buddy ever called him back.

"What? Why would he call me?"

He had completely forgotten the voicemail.

Even worse, he doesn't even remember how he got to his mom's house. She found him in the front bushes in the yard the next morning, his suit torn to shreds by the needles.

"Where is your car?!?" the mom inquired.

"Huh? I don't know."

These kids these days.


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