b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Monday, April 19, 2004

T-minus 6 1/2 Months... 

One subject that I have yet to fully tackle, during this blog's short lifespan, is the Presidential Campaign. As a political junkie, who has kept close tabs on the race's progress since last Fall, I expect to follow this closely through the Election.

At one time I considered keeping a running projection of the Electoral College, and then I found Scott Elliott's Election Projection, which I thought did a good job of tracking the race. Today Scott included a link to Federal Review, which I will add to my bookmarks as soon as I get home tonight. Federal Review also tracks the Electoral College, using a different method than EP, and in reading the analysis there, I found a link to yet another tracking site -- Dales' Electoral College Breakdown 2004.

All three sites include state-by-state breakdowns and color-coded maps, and I look forward to having fun playing around with the FR and Dales as much as I have with EP.

Right now EP has Kerry leading 291-247. FR has Bush ahead 299-239, and Dales' has Bush 277-202 with four states (59 points) still too close to "call." For the record, my initial analysis, which I haven't really updated in a while, predicted a 317-221 Bush win.

Of course polls and predictions are meaningless at this time (or all the time, in the case of the latter), but we can still have some fun between now and November.


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