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Wednesday, April 28, 2004

My All-Star Ballot 

I plan on voting the maximum number of times, if only to stack the ballot box for two guys that deserve the chance to play in front of their hometown fans.

But here is my (relatively) objective ballot:

First Base: R. Palmeiro, BAL
Second Base: A. Soriano, TEX
Third Base: Troy Glaus, ANA
Shortstop: M. Tejada, BAL
Catcher: J. Lopez, BAL
Outfielder: R. White, DET
Outfielder: J. Dye, OAK
Outfielder: M. Ramirez, BOS

First Base: J. Bagwell, HOU
Second Base: M. Giles, ATL
Third Base: S. Rolen, STL
Shortstop: A. Everett, HOU
Catcher: M. Matheny, STL
Outfielder: R. Hidalgo, HOU
Outfielder: C. Biggio, HOU
Outfielder: B. Bonds, SF

My homerism shows up with a few of the picks, I realize. Adam Everett is not an elite NL shortstop, but even though his offensive numbers aren't the highest, they're not bad, either. And his defense is a valuable assest for the Astros.

With Craig Biggio, I am just hoping that this Houston legend gets one more day in the limelight. He's having a solid year so far, and considering this could be his last season -- it's most likely his last in Houston -- I can't think of a more fitting exit than representing the Astros in their home park.

Some might call the Bagwell pick a homer call, too, but it's hard to slight what he's provided at the plate in the season's first month. And as long as he doesn;t repeat his 2003 May swoon, then I have confidence that he'll make the squad as at least a reserve.

BTW... a quick shout-out to The Hardball Times for their informative stats (and to Baseball Musings, for pointing me there).


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