b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I couldn't find the ESPN link, but you can check out Roy Williams' pre-NFL Draft chat, along with some discussion, at Longhorn FanZone.

These chats usually follow the same pedestrian pattern of softball questions and canned answers, but Roy gets off a few good lines.

-On possibly being drafted by Atlanta: Nobody would lose on Madden with Vick-Williams and Price! That would be awesome!
-On the Mike Williams situation: Doesn't affect me at all. That question should be for Reggie Williams or Lee Evans.
-On playing with his NCAA 2004 character: That's all I use is Texas .. I like to share the wealth and not throw to myself all the time
-On whether or not he'll flash the Hook'Em sign after his first NFL TD: Oh, yeah. The tradition continues

I'm glad someone asked about NCAA 2004. I got the opportunity to interview Roy in 2001, and didn't have enough time to sneak that question in.


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