b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

f the Buffet Palace 

So I'm sitting here watching the West Wing, my favorite show (I started watching about six months ago and have caught up on every episode from seasons 1-5 already, except for the first few eps from Season 2, which is repeating starting tonight on Bravo) and one of the few things that could spoil my good mood happened... that ignorant Buffet Palace commercial! I used to enjoy that place (prior to a bad Chinese food experience on New Year's Eve 2002), but even if I still ate Chinese food, I would boycott the place now. It spares me out that much. How bad is the commercial? Well, I hit stop on the VCR so that I could log on, solely to complain about it. Take that for what it's worth. Oh yeah, and new WW Season 5 episode tonight, too. I might have a review afterward.


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