b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

A Brief History Lesson 

So... I'm sure some of you are wondering about this whole "Longhorn Mafia" thing.

What is it all about?

The LM came about sometime during the Fall of 1998 or the Spring of 1999. I'm not too sure. My roommate Matt and I were sitting around our apartment watching TV, talking about how we detested the most embarrassing spirit group at UT -- the Texas Hellraisers.

These guys were tools. They'd paint their faces and wear goofy outfits, and they would yell really lame comments during games, while they acted like they knew more about Texas football than anyone else. In reality, they were a bunch of dorks. I attended one meeting my freshman year (1995), to see what it was about, and left knowing that I had no desire to join their ranks.

Anyway, we thought we should create a campus group to rival the Hellraisers. Because we aimed for official school recognition, and we both had a fascination with all things Mafia-related, we settled on the Longhorn Mafia. Unfortunately, creating a campus group required three people, and we were too lazy to recruit another member until after college was already done.

The shtick has continued since then. Maybe the LM isn't among the registry of all-time UT student orgs, but its spirit lives until today. We're not really a gang or a clique or anything... it's just something funny to throw around. Now we have not only the original LM (myself and Matt, and our friend Leonard is supposedly still a member), but also the FoLM (Friends of the LM) -- currently our friends Paul, Robbi, Robert, Evan and Kevin -- and the LM Angels.


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