b The Longhorn Mafia <$BlogRSDURL$>

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

About Matt 

Hmm...I'm not sure I can be like Drew and tell you what time of day I was born, but I was born around 12:30 on April 18, 1977 (yes, they're the same) in Lakewood, California (Southeast LA).
My family and I (they decided to take me after a close straw vote) moved to Texas when I was about 3 to be with my ailing grandmother.  24 years later, I'm still in this state but will proclaim to anyone proudly that I hail from The Golden State.  I, of course, still do love the Lone Star State as well.
My first memory?  The Catch.  Dwight F'ing Clark drifts through the Cowboys' secondary and catches the ball in a leaping motion from a little known quarterback named Joe Montana and suddenly the whole NFL universe is set on it's ear.  So yes, I learned at a very young age that life doesn't always go the way you planned, but yet it seems as if that lesson is taught again to me every day.
My current hero is Larry David for his ability to muddle through this life taking blow after blow but still being able to entertain himself first and foremost.  When you are stuck in a remedial job as I am, this is an absolute necessity. 
I guess I should mention that I am a graduate from the University of Texas...although my degree has been sitting on a shelf unused for the last few years, which is a depressing topic on it's own.  But maybe some day it will be used, dammit! 
I like to think of myself as a diverse guy.  I'm just as comfortable talking about United States/North Korean relations as I am talking about whether Seth should have choosen Summer or Anna on The OC (greatest show on TV right now....well maybe next to The Sopranos).  I think that Justin Timberlake is not that bad...classic and elegant is always the way to go...some days you just want to listen to some Sinatra...one of my dream jobs would be high school football coach...drinking a beer and hanging out with your friends is a great Friday night...life is always better around water.
I do consider myself a "man's man" who likes to gamble, drink, smoke a cigar, listen to The Ticket  and play poker...but also like to shop, pay way too much attention to women's fashion, and am addicted to The Newlyweds.
I do consider myself a Republican, although I certainly have some differing views from my party on a number of issues, mostly social issues. 
Writing is indeed my passion, although I really haven't utilized that skill of mine much lately, unless you count posting on internet message boards or my occasional blog entry.  So perhaps I will start writing some more to pass the time.
The Dave Matthews Band is my favorite band, followed by Coldplay and the local act The Old 97's, but my favorite type of music is rap/hip hop.  I will be 45 years old and rolling down the street with my kid in the car listening to Outkast, I know I will. 
I've been single for a while now.  You know how it goes....boy meets girl, boy dates girl, boy and girl break up....boy is having too much fun hanging out to meet another girl.  Or maybe it is boy meets girl...boy and girl break up....boy hates life....boy decides girls are evil....boy starts to like girls again....boy can't find girl because he is really picky, or boy doesn't really put out the effort to meet girl.
Hmm...I think that's enough.  You can't be the Dylan McKay of the group if you let everything be known about you. 


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